Welcome To Healing Massage Bristol

My name is Emilia Gzyl. I am a massage therapist based in Bristol and I offer Hawaiian Massage, Thai Massage, Thai Foot Massage and Indian Head Massage and more.

Indian Head Massage

What is Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage is based on an ancient Indian healing system, the Ayurveda, an Indian Head Massage (or Champissage) is subtle and deep, leaving the client feeling deeply relaxed, de-stressed and rejuvenated. It brings enormous benefits by firstly relaxing the mind – when the mind is still the body can go about healing itself as there is no resistance. Secondly, the massage works on the upper chakras (energy centres) – the crown, the brow and the throat chakra (sometimes the heart chakra also) which helps clear the blockages in these areas further increasing energy flow and allowing the body to heal. The massage can be done with oils or without depending on the client’s wishes. Massage is given to the head, neck, back, shoulders and face, which is not only therapeutic and relaxing, but can also help to promote hair growth. The massage induces a wonderful feeling of calmness and wellbeing.

The treatment

It is performed in a relaxing, warm room over clothes. The recipient sits in an upright position in a comfortable chair with both feet flat on the ground for the main part of the massage and towards the end I invite the receiver to lie down on a massage couch for a face massage. The massage usually begins with the upper back, where a combination of deep massage and pressure points help to relax the muscles and to loosen and melt knots. Moving through the shoulders and upper arms further releases the common spots for holding stress and tension, and then working deeply into the neck where tension accumulates relieves headaches and improves cerebral spinal fluid circulation. Moving up to the scalp, techniques are used that stimulate, relax and revive the whole of the head, increasing circulation and promoting healthy hair. Finally the treatment will include a face massage to stimulate face pressure points that help circulation, skin tone, and sinus and headache problems.

Physical Benefits

  • Improves blood circulation to the head, neck, shoulder and face area
  • Improves lymphatic drainage from the head and neck so aiding the removal of waste and toxins
  • Relieves tension in muscle tissue
  • Helps improve mobility in the neck and shoulder area
  • Relieves mental and physical strain improving concentration
  • Relieves eyestrain, headaches, sinusitis, congestion and insomnia

Psychological Benefits

  • Helps to clear the mind and is revitalising so improves alertness and concentration levels
  • An antidote to stress, anxiety and mental tension
  • Balances the Chakras (energy centres) by releasing stagnant energy to help the body work in a more harmonious manner


60 Minutes – £60
90 Minutes – £90
120 Minutes – £120
180 Minutes – £180

Contact Details


07821 584 532

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